100th Anniversary Gala of the First Chinese Students in Australia
Date & Time | 日期与时间 Event Format | 活动形式
📅 5th March 2025 Invitation-only gala dinner
⏰ 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM 仅限受邀嘉宾的黑领结晚宴
📍 NSW Parliament House
🎩 Black-Tie Event | 正装晚宴
Theme | 活动主题
This landmark event commemorates a century of Australia-China educational collaboration, recognising the role of international education in fostering long-term partnerships and global talent exchange. The event aims to: Honour the contributions of Chinese students and scholars in Australia; Strengthen connections between alumni, industry leaders, and institutions; and Highlight the significance of Australia-China educational exchange and its future potential.
本次具有里程碑意义的盛会纪念澳大利亚与中国百年教育合作,强调国际教育在促进长期伙伴关系和全球人才交流中的关键作用。本次活动旨在:表彰中国学生和学者在澳大利亚的贡献; 加强校友、行业领袖和学术机构之间的联系; 以及突显澳中教育交流的重要性及其未来潜力。
Key Highlights | 亮点环节
✅ Speakers | 重磅主讲嘉宾:
The Guest of Honour will be Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Leader of the Government in the Senate. She will be joined by university leadership members including the Vice-Chancellors and Deputy Vice-Chancellors, prominent business leaders, outstanding Australia-China alumni, renowned scholars, dignitaries, and community leaders. 贵宾将是尊敬的外交部长兼参议院政府领袖黄英贤参议员。她将与大学领导层成员,包括校长和副校长、杰出的商界领袖、杰出的澳中校友、著名学者、政要及社区领袖共同出席本次盛会。
✅ Formal Gala Dinner and networking | 正式社交晚宴:
A prestigious black-tie dinner held at NSW Parliament House, and a rare opportunity to connect with influential figures in academia, government, and industry, fostering deeper collaboration between Australia and China. 一场盛大的黑领带晚宴将在新南威尔士州议会大厦举行,这是一个难得的机会,让与会者与学术界、政府和商界的影响力人物建立联系,促进澳大利亚与中国之间的更深入合作。
✅ Extensive Media Coverage | 强大媒体宣传:
This prestigious event will be comprehensively covered by major media outlets in Australia and China, reaching over 600 million readers and users. 本次盛会将由澳大利亚和中国主流媒体全方位报道覆盖超过6亿读者和用户。
We look forward to welcoming you to this historic celebration!